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Re: Service-based products with levels

by Alexey Pelykh <> - 27/02/2020 08:33:28
I’ve looked at the product variants initially, yet for some reason rejected the idea. Thanks, if you say that it’s actually is being for such things, it worth re-evaluating that

On 27 Feb 2020, at 08:52, Georg Notter <> wrote:

You have product variants for this Kind of topic:)

Check it out product.template --> product.product

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

We look forward to see you. Best Regards

Dipl. Ing. (Fh) Georg Notter

Agent ERP GmbH

Am 27.02.2020 um 07:38 schrieb Alexey Pelykh <>:

Dear community,

It’s the first time we’re working with service-based products with levels (e.g. “House Cleaning Package A”, “House Cleaning Package B” or “Car Wash Regular”/“Car Wash Pro”)
Based on experience, should it be separate products or there’s some handy module for exact these cases?

Kind regards,
