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Re: How to use /ocabot merge correctly?

Acsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul
- 17/02/2020 16:37:03
Hi Kitti,

Thanks for raising this topic. Here are some answer elements.

1/ I'm not sure if there is a document explaining it but the idea is to roughly use it in semver style so:
- patch: for code-only bug fixes that do not require -u to install
- minor: when a database update (-u) is needed (for view changes, new fields) but the code remains otherwise compatible (no existing method signature change, no removed fields...). 
- major: when existing method signature change, or fields or models are removed or changed

2/ for new modules or migration, always use /ocabot merge too, because it will run all tests again before merging. I personally tend to use /ocabot merge patch for new modules too, because it has the added benefit to publish a wheel with a round number.

3/ /ocabot merge alone does not bump version. It should be used rarely, There is this idea of deprecating the bare "/ocabot merge" in favor of "/ocabot merge nobump".

4/ regarding HISTORY.rst (the changelog), I'm proposing to use towncrier (see this issue for more information) to avoid conflicts and generate it from fragments.

All this is of course open for improvement :)

Best regards,


On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 10:11 AM Kitti Upariphutthiphong <> wrote:
Dear community,

We have seen this document, yet it not tell in great detail. so may we ask in detailed here,

1) What is the difference between /ocabot merge patch/minor/major and the symantic of x.y.z - breaking.feature.fix in another document. Is it so that,
  - /ocabot merge patch, -> (patch = fix)
  - /ocabot merge minor, -> (minor = feature)
  - /ocabot merge major, -> (major = breaking)

2) For the new [ADD] module, should be click merge manually, or use /ocabot merge (don't want to add any digit, but we test it and it seem to try to change last digit).

3) What is "/ocabot merge" alone, it default to patch or minor?

4) What is the practice to work with some module that has HISTORY. For example, some author (not the PSC), may add in history as new Minor revision, -> but the merger think it is just a fix. And so, he might do /ocabot merge patch . This could result in the version diff between HISTORY and manifest file?

Thank you!
Kitti U.

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