The OCA GitHub Bot can now merge pull requests
Following a long inception period the OCA GitHub Bot recently gained a new capability to merge pull requests.

Using it is as simple as typing a comment in a PR that is ready to merge.

/ocabot merge

You can also ask it to bump the version number of addons modified by the pull request, with one of:

/ocabot merge patch
/ocabot merge minor
/ocabot merge major

Odoo image and text block

The bot will then proceed with the following actions:

  • Merge the pull request to a temporary branch. [2019-09-28: updated to reflect the new merge strategy]

  • Wait for test results, to be sure the branch remains green after rebase.

  • Wait for Travis to update the .pot files.

  • When everything is ok, generate or update the addons README, add an icon, and generate

  • Optionally bump the patch/minor/major version number as requested.

  • Merge to the target branch.

  • Close the PR and label it as merged.

  • Give some love to contributors.

This method is now the preferred way of merging pull requests for OCA, and PSC members and maintainers are highly encouraged to use it.

The main benefits are:

  • CI checks are re-done after rebasing and before merging, to make sure the PR remains green after integration with the latest changes, so this will eliminate occurences where the main branch accidentally becomes red.

  • It's very easy for maintainers to bump addons version number, without bothering contributors.

  • You don't have to wait for CI results for being sure everything is OK. The bot will do it for you!

The bulk of the work to make this possible was done during the #OCADays code sprint in Spain from May 27th to May 29th.

Expect more features to be added in the future.

The OCA GitHub Bot can now merge pull requests
Acsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul 24 June, 2019
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