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Re: "Translating" pictures in website breaks website editor - any workaround?

Holger Brunn
- 20/12/2023 16:00:05
> Yes! That's exactly that option that made me feel stupid in the back of my

> head...

> Not optimal in my opinion but better than nothing.

under the hood this sets the html lang attribute [1] of the element, that's 
pretty optimal in the html sense of things in my opinion.

I guess you don't want to have users in the editor have to put in all 
translated img's there? Then I'd suggest to have the users follow a naming 
scheme for those images, if en_US is the base language, it's
and in
you check the current language, if it's not en_US you go and search for
//img[starts-with(@src, '/images/en_US/')]
and replace that with

Or do the same thing on the client side with JS.
Or generate CSS replacement rules where you hide the en_US image and put the 
$language image there instead.

I assume you've already considered using one SVG and do the text part there 
where you can also set a lang attribute? Not feasible for a lot of things, but 
if you generate those images automatically anyways, that might be the way.


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