Accounting mailing list archives


Re: [15042] Reasoning on the hr_timesheet_invoice module

Twanda AG, Ermin Trevisan
- 16/02/2017 14:37:13
Hi Pedro

> In core now you have the possiblity to invoice timesheets, configuring
> a product for that goal, and doing it from the sales order. A flag
> "is_timesheet" is provided at analytic line level for filtering what
> you want to invoice.
Maybe I did not fully understand how you meant this to happen. When I
open the analytical account cost/revenue from the sale order, I can see
and filter "is_timesheet". Then I would like to manipulate certain entries:
- I can not manipulate the price, because it is 0 and determined
somewhere else
- I can manipulate the quantity (means hours), but in that case the
corresponding timesheet activities will also be changed accordingly,
which is not allowed and which has of course no impact on the cost
contribution in the analytical account.

What must be possible is:
- specify if some timesheet activities shall be invoiced or not. If I
decide to not or partly invoice them to the customer, it should not have
an impact on the activities reported in the timesheets, these must
remain untouched as there cost effects should be remain on the
analytical account. Furtheron, such activities should also not remain as
still to be invoiced for future invoice creations.

I hope I could make it clear...

twanda AG
Ermin Trevisan
Artherstrasse 19
CH-6318 Walchwil 
T    +41 41 758 1515
M    +41 79 208 7373
