09:30 - Managing the odoo implementation for the fastest growing e-commerce in Denmark. Lessons learned...
Mateu Gríful DonésDone
12:30 - Commission - Tackle complex flow in the book & music industry
Julien GuenatDone
10:30 - Additional features on Project Milestones
Julie LeBrun and Julien JézéquelDone
11:00 - A journey to the new warehouse Control Centre
Jacques-Etienne BaudouxDone
03:15 - CO2 emissions – Track them all seamlessly using Odoo Accounting (1hr)
Benoît ChambourdonDone
02:15 - web_custom_modifiers and web_custom_label : 2 modules for easy customization without coding
Quentin Lavallée-Bourdeau and Julie Le BrunDone
10:00 - How to Contribute to the OCA - Functional
OCA Functional WorkgroupDone
03:15 - Be smart & fast in preparing your warehouse deliveries (1h)
Jacques-Etienne BaudouxDone
04:15 - Stock Reservation Areas. Free your stock!
Maria De LunaDone
05:15 - Odoo Karma - Live Analysis and Rating of Records in Odoo
Quentin Lavallée-Bourdeau and Julien JézéquelDone
01:30 - Adhoc Power Meter - How to measure if you are really helping your costumer evolve (45mins)
Location: Kintaikyo Room - 2nd Floor
11/7/23, 1:30 PM
11/7/23, 2:15 PM
(45 minutes)
Gonzalo Ruzafa and María Florencia Frigieri Parma

Gonzalo Ruzafa
I am an industrial engineer, CEO and co-founder of Adhoc. I like to solve problems in a sustainable way.

Maria Florencia Frigieri Parma
In the search of approaching the Customer Success as a philosophy, we are introducing the Adhoc Power Meter (aka APM), an indicator consumed via API from costumers database that analyzes the current use of Odoo.
Are clients using purchase orders?
Do they message each other using Odoo?
Do they track opportunities by the CRM?
Are they getting logged in the ERP daily?
Among others
The final goal is to understand how we are transforming the client business and to direct improvements, suggestions or actions in order to improve their operation and results.