Complex Calculations on Odoo using Google sheets
Functional Technical
Location: Track 1 - 10/29/21, 5:10 PM - 10/29/21, 5:40 PM (+0200) (30 minutes)

Complex Calculations on Odoo using Google sheets
Ossi Mäntylahti +358505543586

Ossi Mantylahti is the country CEO of Odoo Business Solutions (OBS) Finland. He is an IT industry veteran with more than two decades of experience running businesses in more than five countries and has been involved with Odoo since 2017. OBS is one of the most successful and fastest-growing international Odoo Gold Partners.

This is a technical extension talk for the Extending Odoo's functionality for laboratory operations talk at Odoo Experience 2021
We created an interesting development for Odoo: a system to manage complex calculation formulas (chemical tests). If these formulas were to be managed as Python code the end would be unmaintainable mess. So we created a system to maintain formulas in Google Sheets. Google sheets get source data from Odoo, do calculations and return results.
 The talk will feature several real-life business examples of the OBS' usage of Google Sheets to manage test formulas and their configuration. You will also discover the system's incredible level of maintainability and its native support for multi-language operations.