Odoo for NGO's
Michael Karrer
Have you got a great idea for a presentation?
Odoo Community Association (OCA)
New Vertical-Rental
Maria Sparenberg and Ben BrichDone
OCA Board - Ask Me Anything
Odoo Community Association (OCA)Done
Ask Me Anything with Fabien Pinckaers
Fabien PinckaersDone
OCA Board - Ask Me Anything
Odoo Community Association (OCA)Done
Discussion : PSCs
Benoît GuillotDone
Open Discussion - Vertical Rental - 12:40
Benjamin BrichDone
Open Discussion - What Odoo versions and edition the OCA members work on for their customers?
Virginie DewulfDone
Discussion : Open Upgrade
Raúl OrtizDone

Stéphane Bidoul
Stéphane is an OCA board member, mainly taking care of the CI and translation infrastructure. He is a founder of ACSONE, a software engineering company dedicated to crafting quality solutions based on open source software. He is also a pip committer.

Alexandre Fayolle
Alexandre lives in France, takes care of his garden and plays jazz in his spare time. He has been working with OpenERP / Odoo since 2012, at Camptocamp, and coauthored the Odoo Development Cookbook. He contributes some modules and some reviews to the OCA and keeps the Odoo server and the Runbot of the Association up and running.
Come and ask your questions about the OCA Infrastructure.
What do you want to know more about? CI, Travis, GitHub actions, Weblate, Runbot, etc.