OCA Days 2024 - New Format
Find out what to expect and how you can help.

We have exciting news to share with the community about OCA Days 2024.

We have taken onboard the feedback from the last couple of years and had a good look at the areas that people have called for improvement - we have decided to shake things up a bit this year.

We are reshaping the traditional code sprint side of the event and changing it to a talks and workshops format, more focused on collaborating around the topics people are asking for help in. 

We are looking at the first part of each day having talks on key topics. This part will be similar to the traditional OCA Days: one or two people give their talk in a 30 minutes format, with 5 minutes for questions from the audience at the end.

The second part of the day will be dedicated to workshops (we expect around 45 minutes but this will be adapted depending on the type of workshops) related to helping facilitate learning of the morning topics. This part will be lead by facilitators and it’s more hands-on oriented. The facilitators will of course come with a bit of preparation and content but the goal is to exchange with the participants and even do some work together if it’s convenient. Several workshops from the same topic could even happen at the same time. This part is a bit of an experiment and we hope it will allow for more engagement and help develop new skills.

To help organise and coordinate each topic, we will need one main facilitator per topic. Don’t hesitate to propose a name or yourself as well. Please reach rebecca@odoo-community.org.

We have defined 6 topics (5 + 1 open topic): each day, 3 topics will be held in parallel as we have 3 spaces. For those who know Val Benoit in Liège, it will be the same configuration as last year, with one main ground floor room separated in different spaces and 2 conference rooms. The talks in both conferences will be live-streamed while the talks in the main room will be recorded only.

Of course we will still have tables available for those that would like to code and collaborate in a code sprint way, in person, but this area will be a more simplified version of our traditional sprint.

Please have a look below and see if there are areas you think you could contribute your expertise and help make the event even better than before. Make sure you let us know if it is a topic talk or workshop you are sending in.

Topic 1: Welcome experience & contributor retention 

We will explore the strategies and best practices for creating a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages new members to stay and actively participate. It will also delve into the methods for retaining contributors by providing them with meaningful opportunities, recognition, and support to foster long-term involvement and collaboration.

Examples of talks:
  • Discover the basics of the OCA contribution process

  • Understanding the OCA infrastructure

Examples of workshops:
  • Getting my PR merged

  • How can we help newcomers?

  • Are they really too many unmerged PR?

Topic 2 :Module documentation

This session aims to define the correct approach to create, maintain, and structure documentation to ensure consistency, clarity, and usability across all OCA modules. By following these standards, the community can improve module adoption, ease of use, and developer collaboration.

Examples of talks:
  • Presentation of the past year work from the consultants working group: focus on documentation

Examples of workshops:
  • Structuring Module Documentation

  • Maintaining and Updating Documentation

Topic 3: OpenUpgrade

This session will cover the principles and practices of using OpenUpgrade, including how to prepare for upgrades, execute migration scripts, and handle common issues that arise during the upgrade process. It will also emphasize the importance of community contributions to keep OpenUpgrade up-to-date with new Odoo releases.

Examples of talks:
  • General introduction about OpenUpgrade project, a business perspective

  • General introduction about OpenUpgrade for technical profiles

Examples of workshops:
  • Preparing for an Upgrade

  • Customizing Migration Scripts

  • Migration planning from a project-management point of view

Topic 4: OCA Evolution and Future

This topic aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the milestones that have shaped the OCA, the challenges and opportunities it faces, and the strategic directions that will guide its growth. The focus will be on community engagement, governance, technological advancements, and sustainable development.

Examples of talks: 
  • What has happened since last year for the OCA?

  • Presentation of 2023 Accounting, 2024 Budget (preparation of the AGA)

Examples of workshops:
  • Strategy discussion about the future of the OCA

  • Business model for Odoo Integrators, with or without Odoo Enterprise

  • Challenges and Opportunities

  • Technological Advancements and Innovation

  • New strategic features to develop and maintain in the future

Topic 5: Accounting

Here, we will delve into the intricacies of managing accounting processes using Odoo. This session will cover the key features and functionalities of Odoo's accounting modules, including financial reporting, tax management, invoicing, and expense tracking.

Examples of talks: 
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis (MIS Builder)

  • Bank Reconciliation (general introduction)

Examples of workshops:
  • Setting Up Your Odoo Accounting Module

  • Create your own financial report with MIS Builder

  • Tricky use cases with Bank Reconciliation

Topic 6: Other topics

This track is dedicated to other talks and topics proposed by participants (before the event by submission of a proposition or spontaneously during the OCA days).


OCA Days 2024 - New Format
Odoo Community Association (OCA), Rebecca Gellatly (OCA) 22 July, 2024
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