OCA Days 2024
30th September - 1st October | Val Benoit, Liège, Belgium
We are getting excited to welcome you back to Liège, Belgium for the 3rd year in a row!
We are finalising the details and will have tickets available around mid-May. Keep an eye out for sponsorship opportunities as well.
We will be running our technical and functional tracks again - you can already send in your talk proposals here. We are discussing ways to make the event beneficial to all attendees for 2024. We look forward to sharing all the details in May.
OCA Update
The New OCA Way: Executive Director and Project Manager appointment
In 2013, the Odoo Community Association was created in order to help Odoo integrators build and share their new Odoo features under a common umbrella. After more than 10 years, a lot has happened in the Odoo ecosystem! Odoo SA has grown a lot, the Community and Enterprise Editions appeared in 2015 with Odoo frequently changing the rules of the game.
The OCA is still here, finding a path to serve its members and be true to its values: collaborate through open source principles, while building a cooperative, robust, vibrant and independent organisation.
We think it is time for the OCA to up its game and bring more value to its stakeholders: our contributors, members, sponsors, end-users, integrator’s CEO...
To help drive these projects forward faster, we have decided to hire Virginie Dewulf as Executive Director and Rebecca Gellatly as Event Manager and General Secretary, starting in April 2024.
Virginie has been a functional analyst on Odoo Community since 2015. In 2018, she co-founded a workers cooperative based in Brussels (coopiteasy.be). She has been an OCA Board Member since 2021, focussing on communication strategy, the new logo creation and launching the OCA functional working group. She has now resigned from her Board Position and will be leaving her position at Coop IT Easy in June. She is thrilled to start this new adventure with the OCA community. She will be working progressively up to 3 days a week for the OCA.
Rebecca has been the OCA General Secretary since 2018. Rebecca was involved in CRM and marketing and events for many years prior to joining the OCA. While at the OCA she manages the daily administration and membership of the OCA and has led the communication strategy and new logo projects together with Virginie. Having organised the OCA Days since 2018 she has seen the event grow and shift with the changing requirements of the community and looks forward to creating an enriching experience for all involved for 2024.
They will focus on the following programs this year:
OCA Days organisation (of course): this is our major annual event and we want to make it an amazing time for different profiles and level of OCA knowledge. A volunteer team is already working on this topic. Contact Rebecca to join this initiative if you’re interested!
Bring value to Integrators: developers and consultants contributing to the OCA are in majority doing so while working for an Odoo integrator company. We want to help these companies get more involved in our community and provide new activities for them (training, certifications...). If you have insights to share on this topic, feel free to contact Virginie.
Improve contributors onboarding and recognition: our contributors are the foundation of our organisation. We want to help newcomers contribute easily and officially recognise our contributors’s work! Again, if you have ideas and want to share them, contact Virginie.
We will keep you posted on all these topics and certainly share a lot about these programs during our next OCA Days!
Don’t hesitate to contact Virginie (virginie@odoo-community.org) and share your thoughts about what you think the OCA should do next!
The Board Members
OCA Open Live Sessions
We want to be available to anyone interested or involved in the OCA who has questions or needs help on any OCA-related topic, once a month during a live open session. Anyone is welcome, any profile, any level of knowledge about the OCA. Take this opportunity to give us feedback on what you need from us, to understand what the OCA can help you with and what you can do for the OCA to thrive!
Please, join us:
• on Monday 13th May at 10am CEST here: meet.google.com/pob-qvzb-pjy
• on Monday 10th June at 4pm CEST here: meet.google.com/avc-dieu-vtq
No registration needed, just click on the link and join us!
Great Tool at the OCA
hugues de keyzer: How to migrate an Odoo database across multiple versions for newbs

OCA Being Mighty
New Content for Consultants and Non-technical people: check out our website
The functional working group continues to meet regularly and has welcomed new members after the last OCA Days in 2023. Thanks to the new and "old" members, a new page has been created on the OCA website.
In a Questions and Answers format, you will discover:
What does the OCA provide for non-technical profiles?
How to find OCA modules?
How to check that a module actually works for my (customer's) need?
What to do in case I find a bug?
and much more...
The page can be found under the Resources Menu.
Together we are OCA
2024 OCA Membership
Have you purchased your membership for 2024? If you haven't had a chance to yet - you can do so here.
If you are already a member and want to be shown on our member's directory please make sure you have opted in to be published here.

Upcoming Events
Spanish OCA Days and XVII Jornadas Odoo, Tenerife, Spain: 6th - 10th May, 2024
Italian Odoo Days, San Benedetto del Tronto, Ascoli Piceno: 16th - 17th May, 2024
2024 OCA Days, Liège, Belgium: 30th September - 1st October, 2024
Canadian OCA Days, Quebec Canada: Codesprint 28th January - 1st February 2025, Technical and Functional Training 3rd - 7th February 2025
Cover Photo by Nikolay Tchaouchev on Unsplash