Request a New Feature:
Make Odoo mightier with your idea
1. Create your account on GitHub
To request a new feature, you will need to create your account on GitHub:
Pick your username
Enter your email address
Create a password
and click on "Sign up for GitHub"
On the next screen, make sure to choose the Free plan and click on "Finish sign up".
Check your mailbox for a mail from GitHub to verify your email. Click on the link it contains and that's it! You can move on to the next step.

2) Pick the Project
The OCA is organized by Project Steering Committee (PSC) and each PSC manages a web page, a mailing list and a set of repositories.
Pick the project most relevant to host your new feature and subscribe to his mailing list to discuss it with other contributors. Make sure to introduce yourself by mentioning:
your name and location
your skills and background
your expectations and availabilities
the new feature.
Once you know the best GitHub repository to host your new feature, move on to the next step.

3) Provide your specification
On the selected GitHub repository, create a new issue by providing:
the description of your feature
the Odoo version you expect it to run on
mockups and visual materials
The OCA also provides a prototyping module to help you design your new feature.