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Re: [OCA/web] [11.0] [MIG] web_tree_image (#1006)

by Nikul Chaudhary <notifications@github.com> - 09/08/2018 06:38:51

@nikul-serpentcs commented on this pull request.

In web_tree_image/README.rst:

> +  "/<module>/static/src/img/youricon.png"
+* A standard icon from the web distribution, without path or extension, For
+  example, 'gtk-open'
+* A dynamic image in a data url base 64 format. Prefix with
+  'data:image/png;base64,'
+This module defines a new widget type for tree views columns.
+Set the attribute ``widget=image`` in a ``field`` tag in a tree view.
+You can also set ``height=<height>`` to set the height the image will have.
+Note that this just sets the CSS ``max-height`` attribute,

Yes @tarteo, In V11 added a widget for an image but height and width are not proper, so no need to Javascript for particular widget. Only CSS we have a used and added a width in here

And those things are described in already #1006 (comment).


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