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Re: [OCA/web] [11.0][ADD] web_view_calendar_list (#1512)

by Enric Tobella <notifications@github.com> - 13/07/2020 10:58:12

@etobella commented on this pull request.

In web_view_calendar_list/static/src/js/calendar_list_renderer.js:

> +                    if (self.state.context.default_name) {
+                        data.title = self.state.context.default_name;
+                    }
+                    self.trigger_up('openCreate', data);
+                    self.$calendar.fullCalendar('unselect');
+                },
+                eventRender: function (event, element) {
+                    var $render = $(self._eventRender(event));
+                    event.title = $render.find('.o_field_type_char:first').text();
+                    element.find('.fc-list-item-title').html($render.html());
+                    element.addClass($render.attr('class'));
+                    var display_hour = '';
+                    if (!event.allDay) {
+                        var start = event.r_start || event.start;
+                        var end = event.r_end || event.end;
+                        var timeFormat = _t.database.parameters.time_format.search("%H") != -1 ? 'HH:mm': 'h:mma';

The field is a datetime, and no parser exists on field_utils in order to parse datetime to time. I am following the same behavior found on odoo. It might not be the best, but I tried to follow the same logic in order to not make much changes.

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