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Re: [OCA/web] Rename web_pwa -> pwa (#1612)

by Simone Orsi <notifications@github.com> - 05/06/2020 08:08:44

I'm sorry for @marcelsavegnago and @pedrobaeza and whoever installed this earlier (I can feel the pain) but this is what ALPHA/BETA maturity stand for. It means it can change.

And in any case if @eLBati cares about putting his own work on odoo apps we should allow him to do it in all the ways we can. Stopping this just because few of us out of hundreds of ppl have installed it in a rush on many instances is not a good reason.

What we can do IMO is:

  1. help him choosing a better name. Being pwa, portal_pwa, mobile_pwa or whatever. Personally I don't care but this time let's make sure is not there on odoo apps yet 😄

  2. ask him KINDLY to add a migration step to make this smoother for early adopters

  3. review is work

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