Switzerland mailing list archives



Re: l10n_ch Odoo 11.0 translations

Brain-Tec AG, Andreas Stauder
- 08/01/2018 09:58:59
Hello Yannick

Thank you for your mail. Do you want us to upload them in transifex or have you done this already and your mail is just a warning in case someone is missing the translations?


On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 9:34 AM, Yannick Vaucher <yannick.vaucher@camptocamp.com> wrote:

We have an issue with the translations on transifex for our Odoo 11.0 modules.

The fix would be to re-enter the translations or upload the po files  in transifex for the italian and german languages into Transifex

Here are the emptied translations:

Those are the files that can be uploaded in Transifex:



Other translations to fix may come as other modules are going to be ported, and I don't know for sure if the translations will be kept by Transifex.

Yannick Vaucher
Business Solutions Software Developer

Camptocamp SA
PSE A, CH-1015 Lausanne

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brain-tec Group 

 +41 (0) 44 552 01 20  www.braintec-group.com
 Technoparkstrasse 1 ▪ CH-8005 Zürich
Andreas Stauder 
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Certified Professional Scrum Master
brain-tec AG
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 Best Odoo Partner EMEA 2016
