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Purchase returns process
ForgeFlow, S.L., Jordi Ballester Alomar
Dear purchase & procurement experts,
We have identified that the returns process seems to be quite poor in Odoo 9.
At this moment, for example, it is not possible to return quantities to a vendor and generate a refund bill. As basic as this.
Based on my previous experience in SAP ECC, I have implemented a proof of concept to use Purchase Returns.
It looks much better to handle to me than what we have now:
See a running Proof of Concept here:
If anyone is interested, I am more than happy to present and share thoughts about it.
Jordi Ballester Alomar
CEO & Founder | Eficent
(+34) 629530707 | jordi.ballester@eficent.com | http://www.eficent.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jbeficent_erp | Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordiballesteralomar