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[OCA/pos] [ADD] new module pos_cash_control_multiple_config to handle correctly cash control in a multi point of sale context (#569)

by Sylvain LE GAL <notifications@github.com> - 23/11/2020 13:48:23


Recently face a problem in point_of_sale module, if cash control is enabled, and in a multiple point of sale context : the opening balance is not the correct one.

This module fixes the problem

Complete Bug report is available there : odoo/odoo#62147

Thanks : CC : @OCA/pos-maintainers, @alexis-via, @quentinDupont,

@grap, ref #/board/144/card/1103

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


Commit Summary

  • [ADD] new module pos_cash_control_multiple_config to handle correctly cash control in a multi point of sale context

File Changes

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