OpenUpgrade mailing list archives


Re: [11 -> 12] Multiple violation of constraints during upgrade

Sergio Corato
- 20/05/2021 12:07:37
Hi Victor,
have you followed info on
Perhaps the migration process has failed?
In the log there is a point where it starts to show an ERROR instead of an INFO?
Sergio Corato

Il giorno gio 20 mag 2021 alle ore 11:57 Victor FONNE <> ha scritto:
Hello Everybody, 

My config:
  • Debian 10
  • PostgreSQL 10
I am currently in the process of upgrading from Odoo 11 to Odoo 12 with OpenUpgrade. I am of course doing this off production with a duplicated database. I am using Debian 10 servers.
Here is the process I followed:
  • I upgraded all the module in Odoo 11 by running (with odoo-bin coming from odoo 11 directory) : ./odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf --update all --stop-after-init
  • I uninstalled odoo 11 from the server
  • I installed odoo 12 from the server (especially for the issue with the module auth_crypt, as described here).
  • Without having odoo 12 running, I cloned OpenUpgrade on 12.0 branch. 
  • Then, I ran odoo-bin from openupgrade directory, also with --update all and --stop-after-init options 
During the last step I had multiple issues with custom modules, that I fixed. After these fixes, I had tens of constraints violations (unique and foreign key for the moment), on several tables :
  • stock_move
  • res_groups
  • ir_act_window_view
Also the column incoterm_id was missing in res_company table.

I don't know what is the purpose of all these errors, my database seems to be working on previous versions. I tried to use the module database_cleanup from OCA, it cleaned a few things but I still have constraints violations. 

Should I just manually modify my database to comply with each error I get ? (delete records with unlink ids, add missing tables etc...) or is there something else I should do ?

Thanks for your time.

Victor FONNÉ
Architect & Site Reliability Engineer | Ophelia Sensors
Student | 42 Paris

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