Medical mailing list archives


HIS/EMR project proposal

Edwin Gonzales
- 04/11/2015 09:32:59
To all concerned:

Greetings! I am Mr. Edwin N. Gonzales, the author of a HIS/EMR Openerp7 module.

I was directed by Mr. Maxime Chambreuil, the Vice-President of OCA, to submit my proposal for the possible inclusion of my HIS/EMR project in OCA vertical projects. Its development started more than 3 years ago and continuously enhanced to meet the requirements of hospitals and other healthcare centers here in the Philippines. It was developed under OpenERP7 and was successfully implemented in 9 private and government hospitals. My engagements with the adopters are purely for research and development but in the process they realized its effectiveness and was fully utilized for the operation of all areas of their hospitals. 

Being an FOSS advocate and a code contributor for more than 20 years, my interest in this project is to submit this to the Opensource community with the hope that this would help hospitals and other healthcare institutions in need of a system that they could use out of the box under the realms of the GPL software license.

My goal now is to port my HIS/EMR to Odoo 9 and complete its Android and IOS Apps. This is an activity I've been planning to do since the release of Odoo 8 but time and man power requirements prevents me from advancing. 

I am looking at the possible partnership with OCA as a vehicle that would speed up the development activities. With the help of OCA, I am confident that this project would benefit more healthcare institutions and the possibility of implementing International and Local Health Information Exchange that institutions such as WHO are currently promoting.

Yours truly,

Edwin N. Gonzales