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Is there an interest for an IT-audit module?
08ARVASi Arvas International AB, Fredrik Arvas
Dear all
I am looking for a module to support the overal internal quality of the IT-department in a company.
For me this is easily managed with a management system called "IT General Controls" (ITGC) or as I have learned them from KPMG orGeneral Computer Controls (GCC) as Wikipedia calls them
But there might be other alternatives like ISO 27001 about information security.
I would like a module that expands on the project module with some simple actions to take in each step of the workflow. As well as some simple actions to do on a regular basis to make sure the organisation follows the practices on a relevant level.
Here are some images to illustrate what I mean.
Source: - page 5
Fredrik Arvas,
Arvas International AB
Lillebovägen 13, 132 36 Saltsjö-Boo, Sweden | what3words
Mobil: +46708145595
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Re: Is there an interest for an IT-audit module?
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