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RFC new module - manage partner contacts

Stefano Consolaro
- 14/02/2021 10:23:32
Hi all,
following a discussion started on my PR, I desire to receive some opinion on the best way to manage additional contacts on partner connected to management system (see proposed info).
My initial proposal was to do a new module mgmtsystem_nonconformity_partner because I need that contact for quality (see sample).
Enric suggest to add the contact to the base mgmtsystem_system module.

Another option is to create a module for each system like mgmtsystem_quality, mgmtsystem_safety and so on. 

Then we think that may be better to have a dedicated module for all possible system-specific contact, ie mgmtsystem_partner to use for adding system-specific contacts.

I haven't enough experience to propose a "configurable" options, but if someone can help I will happy.

What do you think?

Some proposed info:
    - module: mgmtsystem_partner    
    - name: "Management System - Partner contacts",
    - summary":  "Add dedicatd Management Systems reference on Partner's contacts."
    - description: This is a bridge module between Management System and Partner
                        Adds System specific contact option on Partner's Contacts form (ie. Quality, Safety, Enviroment).
    - core code: _inherit = ['res.partner']
                      type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('quality', 'Quality Address'), ('Safety', 'Safety Address'), ('enviroment', 'Enviroment Address')])

Sample case
In my PR #284 I propose adding a classification for nonconformity origin (ie Internal, External, Partner, ...)
When the nonconformity is due to a Partner there will be the option to send a preconfigured email to partner's quality contact.

Stefano Consolaro