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Re: [16516] Type of stock location for drop shipping / someone else's property

- 20/07/2017 16:11:36
Le 13/07/2017 à 13:53, Katja Matthes a écrit :
> Dear Community,
> one of our customers manufacture products for a company with an online
> shop. After manufacturing the products are paid for immediately, but
> they stay in our customer's stock location (physically). Since we want
> to separate the products belonging to the online shop company and our
> customer, we will move the products in a separate stock location in Odoo.
> For me it seems to be something like drop shipping with the difference,
> that the merchant pay in advance for the products.
> What would be your suggestion for the type of this stock location?
> Should it be a virtual customer location, since the products are
> property of the customer (in this case the company with the online
> shop)? Or it's better to use an internal stock, since our customer will
> handle the logistic stuff, e.g. maintain stock quantities of the
> products, make drop shipping deliveries?
In case of inventory, does these products are count in the inventory 
(so, they are still "your" products) ? If yes, you must use an internal 
location to manage them with your other product stocks. If no, I think 
it's better to use a virtual customer location because products don't 
belong to you.


