Human Resources mailing list archives


Re: [OCA/hr] [IMP]: add unit in form selection widget (#1002)

by "Alexey Pelykh" <> - 17/06/2021 07:34:05

@alexey-pelykh commented on this pull request.

In hr_holidays_credit/models/

> -                    else:
-                        extra = _('%g available')
-                    extra = extra % (
-                        float_round(
-                            record.virtual_remaining_leaves,
-                            precision_digits=2
-                        ) or 0.0,
-                    )
-                elif record.allow_credit:
-                    extra = _('%g used in credit') % (
-                        float_round(
-                            -record.virtual_remaining_leaves,
-                            precision_digits=2
-                        ) or 0.0,
-                    )
+                        extra += " " + _("+ credit")

Don't do this, it's incorrect for i18n to "construct" sentences. You have to localize either entire message or major part of it.

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