Human Resources mailing list archives


Re: [OCA/hr] [IMP]: add unit in form selection widget (#1002)

by "Simon Maillard" <> - 15/06/2021 16:28:25

@maisim commented on this pull request.

In hr_holidays_credit/tests/

> @@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ def test_6(self):
         name = leave_type.with_context(
-        self.assertTrue('available + credit' in name)
+        self.assertIn('available', name, '%s not found in %s' % ('available', name))

Yes but when I ran tests locally I can't see why the tests failed ( tests results didn't print variables content)
I then add messages to the tests which allowed me to see that the messages were translated and to run the tests again on a basis with English as the default language.

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