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Re: [OCA/hr] [12.0][ADD] hr_holidays_accrual: Advanced accrual leave allocations (#501)

by Alexey Pelykh <> - 26/03/2019 21:04:18

@alexey-pelykh commented on this pull request.

In hr_holidays_accrual/models/

> +
+            date_from += period
+        if (self.limit_accumulated_days
+                and balance > self.max_accumulated_days):
+            loss = self.max_accumulated_days - balance
+            accruements.append(HrLeaveAllocationAccruementEntry(
+                days_accrued=loss,
+      ,
+                reason=_('Loss due to accumulation limit')
+            ))
+            balance += loss
+        number_of_days = balance + total_leave_days
+            '%s days of "%s" leave allocated to employee "%s"',

day(s), leave is singular due to type

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