CRM, Sales & Marketing mailing list archives


New module proposal

6it, Jean-Marc Dupont
- 22/04/2016 09:44:07
Hello community,

We have developped a module for a customer that could interest the community.
In a nutshell, with this module you can plan phone calls and affect them to a user, from a list of customers or a list of leads

Do you think community could be interested ?
If yes, what is the process to publish this module in OCA ?

Thanks in advance

Images intégrées 1

Images intégrées 2

Jean-Marc DUPONT 

Agence Web, e-Commerce et Systèmes d'entreprise 

68, rue du Refuge - 84200 Carpentras

T.  -  04 84 25 17 94

Éditeur de la marque

1° marque e-Commerce 100% Provence
