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New commission module

Sicurpharma Srl, Francesco Foresti
- 11/02/2022 18:23:36
Hello PSC, 

we've been developing a module in the commission repo for v14 based on sale_comission which adds the following features: 

1) Add a new type for "commission type"; this type allows the user to structure the commission type similarly to the pricelist structure. This means: 

Each commission type has commission type lines where specific commission rates can be applied either globally, by category, by product template or variant; commission rate can be a fixed value or a percentage of unit price.

For each sale order line, the first applicable commission rate is selected by hierarchy (from variant to global). As per pricelist's behavior, commission type lines on parent product category are applied to child product category if there isn't another commission type line applicable. 


2) Commission by discount: 

Building on the structure described above, user can add another condition on whether a commission type line should be applied to sale order line commission, based on discount applied on sale order line (we found this model of commission very common among our customers). 

On each commission type line, a range of discount from/to can be specified; if field "discount" is not active on SO line and "discount from/to" is set in commission type line, commission is only applied if "discount from = 0"

There is also a "Display full agent details on sale order line" flag in user to check which line was selected for commission: 


I'd love to receive your feedback on whether you find it a good addition, what can be improved before adding tests and how to get it to merge. You can find the PR here:


Francesco Foresti
Sicurpharma Srl