Contributors mailing list archives
Update to 14.0 dot files
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul-
RE: Update to 14.0 dot files
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon) -
Re: Odoo - Cash drawers for shops
byOpen Architects Consulting, Houssine BAKKALI -
Re: Odoo - Cash drawers for shops
byOpen Architects Consulting, Houssine BAKKALI -
Odoo - Cash drawers for shops
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon)-
Re: Odoo - Cash drawers for shops
byOpen Architects Consulting, Houssine BAKKALI -
Re: Odoo - Cash drawers for shops
byOpen Architects Consulting, Houssine BAKKALI -
Warning: Using "numpy" library you will have weird errors in production even if you are not using it
byVauxoo, Moisés López Calderón-
Re: Warning: Using "numpy" library you will have weird errors in production even if you are not using it
byTrobz, Nils Hamerlinck -
Re: Warning: Using "numpy" library you will have weird errors in production even if you are not using it
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul -
Re: Warning: Using "numpy" library you will have weird errors in production even if you are not using it
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza
Re: Access rights for website content
byNUMIGI Solutions Inc., Quentin Lavallée-Bourdeau -
Access rights for website content
byNUMIGI Solutions Inc., Quentin Lavallée-Bourdeau-
Re: Access rights for website content
byNUMIGI Solutions Inc., Quentin Lavallée-Bourdeau -
Re: Right to be forgotten (GDPR)
byCamptocamp France SAS, Alexandre Fayolle -
Re: Right to be forgotten (GDPR)
byCamptocamp France SAS, Alexandre Fayolle -
Re: Right to be forgotten (GDPR)
byForgeFlow, S.L., Jordi Ballester Alomar