Contributors mailing list archives
A methodology / best practice / Odoo / Python question
byData Dance s.r.o., Radovan Skolnik-
Re: A methodology / best practice / Odoo / Python question
byData Dance s.r.o., Radovan Skolnik -
Re: A methodology / best practice / Odoo / Python question
What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byMoaHub, Rebecca Gellatly-
Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byLambda IS DOOEL, Kiril Vangelovski -
Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul -
Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong -
Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byLambda IS DOOEL, Kiril Vangelovski
[28984] Scaling and healing issues with Odoo.SH, any experiences / further documentation available
byInitOS GmbH, Frederik Kramer -
Any module to make a user to have readonly access
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong-
Re: Any module to make a user to have readonly access
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong -
Re: Any module to make a user to have readonly access
byQuartile Limited., Yoshi Tashiro.- 26/08/2021 06:26:13 - 0
Travis logs full of "INFO openerp_test odoo.schema: Keep unexpected index"
by "Raphaël Valyi" <> - 22/08/2021 18:48:26 - 0-
Re: Travis logs full of "INFO openerp_test odoo.schema: Keep unexpected index"
by "Raphaël Valyi" <> - 23/08/2021 17:37:11 - 0 -
Re: Travis logs full of "INFO openerp_test odoo.schema: Keep unexpected index"
by "Raphaël Valyi" <> - 23/08/2021 05:56:33 - 0 -
Re: Travis logs full of "INFO openerp_test odoo.schema: Keep unexpected index"
by "Raphaël Valyi" <> - 22/08/2021 22:27:39 - 0 -
Re: Travis logs full of "INFO openerp_test odoo.schema: Keep unexpected index"
byelego Software Solutions GmbH, Olaf Wagner
Travis .pot push issue
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul-
Re: Travis .pot push issue
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis -
Employee contract builder in Odoo
bySunflower IT, Tom Blauwendraat-
Re: Employee contract builder in Odoo
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong -
Re: Employee contract builder in Odoo
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis -
Re: Employee contract builder in Odoo
byNUMIGI Solutions Inc., Bruno Joliveau.
/ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul-
Re: /ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byTAKOBI s.r.l., Lorenzo Battistini. -
Re: /ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: /ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byGroupement Régional Alimentaire de Proximité, Sylvain LE GAL -
Re: /ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: /ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byGroupement Régional Alimentaire de Proximité, Sylvain LE GAL -
Re: /ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byForgeFlow, S.L., Aarón Henríquez -
Re: /ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: /ocabot rebase and improved addons table
byAcsone SA/NV, Denis Roussel
Continuous / Repetitive Manufacturing
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong-
Re: Continuous / Repetitive Manufacturing
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong -
Re: Continuous / Repetitive Manufacturing
bySunflower IT, Tom Blauwendraat
Odoo Customer List.
by "Melanie Faber" <> - 05/08/2021 20:46:22 - 0 -
Adopt an addon
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul-
Re: Adopt an addon
byGroupement Régional Alimentaire de Proximité, Sylvain LE GAL -
Tests failing - related non dependent modules and bridging module.
by "Richard deMeester" <> - 30/07/2021 17:48:02 - 2 -
Looking for best approach of changing description_sale of product.template from fields.Text to fields.Html
byData Dance s.r.o., Radovan Skolnik-
Re: Looking for best approach of changing description_sale of product.template from fields.Text to fields.Html
byHolger Brunn -
Re: Looking for best approach of changing description_sale of product.template from fields.Text to fields.Html
byLe Filament, Rémi Cazenave
New module derived from Odoo CE licensing/credits question
byData Dance s.r.o., Radovan Skolnik-
Re: New module derived from Odoo CE licensing/credits question
byMoaHub, Graeme Gellatly -
Re: New module derived from Odoo CE licensing/credits question
byInitOS GmbH, Frederik Kramer -
Re: New module derived from Odoo CE licensing/credits question
byData Dance s.r.o., Radovan Skolnik -
Re: New module derived from Odoo CE licensing/credits question
byInitOS GmbH, Frederik Kramer -
Re: New module derived from Odoo CE licensing/credits question
byHolger Brunn -
Re: New module derived from Odoo CE licensing/credits question
byData Dance s.r.o., Radovan Skolnik -
Re: New module derived from Odoo CE licensing/credits question
byHolger Brunn
Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
byForgeFlow, S.L., Lois Rilo Antelo-
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
byCamptocamp SA, Simone Orsi -
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
byVauxoo, Moisés López Calderón -
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
bySygel Technology S.L., Harald Panten Lopez -
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
bySerpent Consulting Services, Jay Vora -
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
bySerpent Consulting Services, Jay Vora -
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
byAcsone SA/NV, Denis Roussel -
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
byAkretion France., Raphaël Reverdy
Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza-
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byCamptocamp SA, Simone Orsi -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byCamptocamp SA, Simone Orsi -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byCamptocamp SA, Simone Orsi -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byAcsone SA/NV, Laurent Mignon -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byForgeFlow, S.L., Lois Rilo Antelo -
Re: Propose João Marques as PSC for several areas
byForgeFlow, S.L., Lois Rilo Antelo
New set of module "Requests".
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong-
Re: New set of module "Requests".
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong -
Re: New set of module "Requests".
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong -
Re: New set of module "Requests".
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong -
odoo13 unittest: installed modules not available while testing
solved:Re: odoo13 unittest: installed modules not available while testing
byrobert -
Re: odoo13 unittest: installed modules not available while testing
byModoolar, Petar Najman -
Re: odoo13 unittest: installed modules not available while testing
byrobert -
Re: odoo13 unittest: installed modules not available while testing
byCamptocamp SA, Simone Orsi