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Re: Migration to version 9

Guewen Baconnier
- 31/08/2015 12:03:03
On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Daniel Reis <> wrote:
>> 1)   Migration to version 9 (git-filter option)
>> 2)   Migration to version 9 (installable False option)
>> 3)   Migration to version 9 (rm checkout option)
> #2 still has the same big problem the __unported__ solution had:
> it's easy to forget to forward port change in the previous version.
> I did a PoC for #3 and couldn't find any disadvantages:

I mentioned a major one: the diff shows you the entire addon as a new
addition instead of showing you the +- lines of the migrated code.

> - ported modules are immediately visible
> - you are "forced" to start a port PR using the current version in 8.0
> - history is kept just like with the installable='false'
> Find the PoC here:
> (sorry for using the OCA repo)
> Check the history for the module ported to v9:
> --Daniel
