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Re: proposed mass commit on OCA repositories

MoaHub, Graeme Gellatly
- 19/07/2015 17:56:26

The only  thing I would say is requirements.txt uses quite old versions so maybe the odoo run should use that and the OCB run use latest either through an unpinned requirements file or something else so we catch introduced dependency bugs faster,  like psutil for example but still know we work on a default install. 

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On 20 Jul 2015, at 1:37 AM, Alexandre Fayolle <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Following the advice found on I'm planning to make a mass commit on the branches 6.1, 7.0, 8.0 of all OCA projects having .travis.yml with the following changes (except l10n-brazil):

+ sudo: false
+ cache: pip

I've tested this on server-tools and the speed up is noticeable (-25%)

If time allows, I will also try to extract the pip install <modulename> from the install section of .travis.yml and replace it with pip install -r requirements.txt which I think will make it easier to handle the external dependencies.

l10n-brazil cannot be processed for now because it uses a non standard travis set up. I'll open an issue on the project for the team to process).

If you think this is not a good idea, please speak up :-)
