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Website event invitation with confirmation via email

TAKTIK SA, Adil Houmadi
- 10/06/2015 10:53:21
Hello all,

We have a specific request concerning the event module.
We need to send invitations to our partners to confirm their attendance to the event via email.
Something which look like the calendar.attendee entity with access_token.
The idea is to generate registration with a token and send it to the partner.
After receiving the email, the partner decide to accept to participate or decline his attendance to the concerning event.

PS : for the partner there is no need to login to the ERP to accept or decline.

More features : 
 - Export the email to PDF format for partner who prefer a communication by post.
 - Attach useful documents to the invitation.

Do you know if there is any module that do the job if not I will be happy to propose something like that if you find that is interesting ?

Thank you.
