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OCA/rma, odoo 10 and crm.claim

Camptocamp France SAS, Alexandre Fayolle
- 12/07/2017 14:42:42

I'm helping a customer migrate from odoo 8 to odoo 10. He uses crm_claim
and some of the addons from the OCA/rma repository.

My current problem is the crm.claim model was removed from odoo 10 and
the migrations of OCA/rma to 10 are stalled as far as I can tell.

Has this been discussed already?

I'm in favor of porting crm_claim to v10 in the OCA/rma project, and not
change too much the other modules of that repository. But maybe someone
is already working on this, or has other plans for this set of features?

Best regards

Alexandre Fayolle
Chef de Projet
Tel : +33 4 58 48 20 30

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex
