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by "Ignacio Galliazzi" <> - 03/11/2016 12:31:14
Hello ,

I am Ignacio Galliazzi, from Lynkos. A few days ago we sent you an email with an invitation to join Lynkos.We have recently launched our network in Netherlands and I would like to make myself available in case you have any questions about how to add your business or the best way to use Lynkos.

Lynkos is an online business network that helps companies grow through a powerful CRM and sales tools. It also allows you to send business introductions to leads and receive business opportunities right to your inbox.

You can use the following link to continue with your registration.

If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to contact me.


P.S. Remember to join the +1 million businesses on Lynkos!  Find & connect with every potential B2B customer in +224 countries & 900 industries.
Chief of Product