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Re: Enterprise dependencies
Camptocamp France SAS, Alexandre Fayolle
We won't be able to test the modules on Travis and they won't be installable on runbot. I'm OK to have such addons in the OCA, but we need to find a way to keep the CI green. We would need to amend our rules (currently, we only allow addons depending on OCA addons or core addons) to allow depending on Odoo Enterprise. I'd probably go with a separate repository and a restricted travis configuration to only run flake8 / pylint and no runbot for this repository. This would be similar to the "contrib" section of Debian (free software with non-DFSG compliant dependencies). -- Alexandre Fayolle Chef de Projet Tel : +33 4 58 48 20 30 Camptocamp France SAS Savoie Technolac, BP 352 73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex
Enterprise dependencies
byCredativ, Ondrej Kuznik-
Re: Enterprise dependencies
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis