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Re: The future of OCB
InitOS GmbH, Frederik Kramer
Hi guys, now, after the most active amongst you contributed their take on the matter, i would like to do the same but yet again from a slightly different angle. As far as i understood, Stephane was proposing to retire OCB and create OCX for the purpose of doing more "radical" changes and being able to "break" with the compatibility constraint embodied in the OCB. As far as i understood he wanted to use the freed-up resources (from the OCB retiring) for this "radical" innovation instead of increasing the workload of the OCA. So while the matter seems logical, obvious and desirable for the purpose of "innovation" it is also strategical (in the sense that i diminishes the resources free to maintain backwards compatibility (even if less important nowadays) as well as community coherence(since an actor has to decide whether to be "radical" or "traditional") and political in that it sends a very "interpretable" signal towards Odoo SA (even if that might be well argued in favor of solving the innovation dilemma). There is a point that has not been discussed and seems rather obvious to me in that "equitation". Odoo got VC. At least with the second and third round of funding (and growth) and their continuing trouble to get cash flow positiv, strategy is not only what Fabien has in mind, but also what makes Odoo appealing to companies that would draw on the whole "brand" and allow the investors (VC) to exit on their investment (shareholder perspective). In that sense i conceived the sign of the "not so marketing" video of the second day as serious and well in-line with what i was continuing to believe for years. Odoo at some time in the future will belong to a larger an more international company (this is the nature of the beast (aka VC funding)). There are quite a few that stand in line for such an appealing investment with SAP, Microsoft, Netsuite, Oracle and Apple to just name a few. In conclusion the OCA should carefully balance and communicate (which is the role the OCA board) with Odoo (and Fabien specifically) at what point and to what extend a "radical" change is such in a technical as well as a strategical manner. For the time being and with what i have seen, heard and felt during the last week in Belgium, i would strongly recommend to clearly position OCX as an "experimentation" branch with looser merge and compatibility rules (for experimentation purposes) but clearly market the "OCB" way as the recommendation base for OCA members to base their "productive" projects on for now. If we need "radical" innovation in areas that are tagged as "experiments" - and i think every integration partner is doing them anyway- doing them publicly is well in line with the foundations of the open source culture and helps Odoo to "spot" the needs of the upstream market as well. In the same time, i think there is absolutely no reason to conceive and play it as a means to cut the connection to Odoo SA for the moment. The reason is easy: this relation (at least to my understanding) made quite a progress since the OCA was founded and governed by a strong and committed culture of its participants (which i honestly and absolutely admire). So for the time being the OCA needs Odoo in the same way as Odoo needs the OCA. Both together are a healthy and vital OSS community as long as the "dark" matter takes force ;-) So long. Hope you are not to bored by my take on this difficult topic ;-) Frederik Am Montag, den 10.10.2016, 17:53 +0000 schrieb Jordi Ballester Alomar: > Hi! > > > May I ask, OCX is to be an integration of PR's that "power up" odoo in > some sense, or allow for experimentation, wouldn't it make more sense > to maintain a separate OCX branch per experiment? > > > That way is clearer for all that OCX is not a fork of Odoo. For > example: > > > * OCX-DOCS: Power up of Odoo with extended document management > * OCX-IMPORT: Power up of Odoo to allow faster import > If you think about it, OpenUpgrade IS a fork of Odoo, that has been > modified to a point that assists in the migration of the database > across versions. > > > For the same purpose, specific repos could be created inside OCA-DEV, > linked to the specific experimentation taking place. > > > Regards, > Jordi. > > > > > > > > On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Sebastien Beau > <> wrote: > Ok for me too > > > 2016-10-10 13:53 GMT+02:00 Pedro M. Baeza (Tecnativa) > <>: > > OK, let's try that way and see how this evolves. > > > Regards. > > > 2016-10-10 13:37 GMT+02:00 Joël Grand-Guillaume > <>: > > Hi there, > > > > > May be we should start with the OCX branch in > OCA-dev team first and create the repo only > when needed ? I mean, it is not mandatory to > replicate everything after a second though... > > > My question is: Are you agree on the principle > (having another OCA-dev team, allow OCX there, > communicate on the purpose of this branch (not > a fork, but for innovation), ... ? > > > Regards, > > > Joël > > > > > > > > On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 12:53 PM, Nhomar > Hernandez <> wrote: > > > On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 3:53 AM, Eric > Caudal <> > wrote: > We currently are barely > keeping the head out of > water... Let's make sure about > the priorities > > > > > Hello. > > I think we should left that as it is, > because we are already facing a huge > overhead in the maintainance of thing, > and let's thin of a proper way to > manage a secdn branch. > > > Even inside my team I trust only in > one editor have a new set of not well > maintained OCX repository can bring an > incorrect starting point for some > people. > > > In the meanwhile we can continue > managing our own copy of branches with > eternal PR opened to OCB just to say > "This is my branch and I did this and > this improvements (with proper commit > messags)". > > > Regards. > > > > -- > Nhomar Hernandez > > CEO Vauxoo. > Site: > Twitter: @nhomar > Blog: > Github User: > > Odoo Gold Partner > > Skype: nhomar00 (Envia mail previo no > lo superviso siempre). > > HangOut: > > Móvil Venezuela: > +58 4144110269 > > Móvil México: > +52 1 4773933942 > > _______________________________________________ > Mailing-List: > > Post to: > > Unsubscribe: > > > > > > > > > -- > > camptocamp > INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS > BY OPEN SOURCE EXPERTS > > > Joël Grand-Guillaume > Division Manager > Business Solutions > > > +41 21 619 10 28 > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Mailing-List: > > Post to: > > Unsubscribe: > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Mailing-List: > > Post to: > Unsubscribe: > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Mailing-List: > Post to: > Unsubscribe: > > > > > > > > -- > Jordi Ballester Alomar > CEO & Founder | Eficent > (+34) 629530707 | | > Twitter: | > Linkedin: > _______________________________________________ > Mailing-List: > Post to: > Unsubscribe: > > > -- Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Frederik Kramer Geschäftsführer initOS GmbH An der Eisenbahn 1 21224 Rosengarten Phone: +49 4105 56156-12 Fax: +49 4105 56156-10 Mobil: +49 179 3901819 Email: Web: Geschäftsführung: Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Frederik Kramer & Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Torsten Francke Sitz der Gesellschaft: Rosengarten – Klecken Amtsgericht Tostedt, HRB 205226 Steuer-Nr: 15/205/21518 USt-IdNr.: DE815580155
The future of OCB
by Stefan Rijnhart <> - 04/10/2016 15:52:06 - 0-
Re: The future of OCB
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis -
Re: The future of OCB
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis