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Re: [FIX]:Weblate - use po file download/upload - revisions

Stefano Consolaro
- 22/06/2023 08:27:21
Hi Stéphane,
you are not alone with a lot a things to do and the my reply time to your answer prove it ;-)

We (italian members) have talked a bit and will probably install a test server after the summer to test configuration options and functionalities.
After that we will share results and some ideas on how to rules the translations.

In the meantime I ask you the favour to unlock some modules listed below (but there are many more).
But, why some modules are locked?
Is there a way to unlock all at once or do you have to do them one at a time?

Modules locked

Da "Stéphane Bidoul"
A "Contributors"
Data Sat, 10 Jun 2023 12:32:03 -0000
Oggetto Re: [FIX]:Weblate - use po file download/upload - revisions

Hi Stefano,

I also support the idea, obviously ;)

Unfortunately that alone will not help get things moving as I have several other priorities with OCA infrastructure and tooling that already barely fit in the time I can allocate to it.
For instance, just preventing weblate to bring down the OCA server swallowed several hours already, recently (and there is still more to do).

I'm happy to tweak any configuration you propose but I'd need precise indications of what to do with links to the weblate documentation.
The process part also needs to be elaborated. The high level principle you mentioned sound good but how do we concretely do that in practice? For instance, when one asks to get translation access how will Rebecca know which role to give them? What is the process to accept a new reviewer for a given language? Can we have languages with reviewers and other without? Do we need to publish who has reviewer rights? What does all that imply in terms of weblate configuration?

Regarding glossaries and translation memories there are also important questions to be investigated. For instance, we now have one project per repo and branch. Is it possible to share glossaries across these? If not, should we / can we group them? Who should have permissions to manage glossaries, etc.

So there is quite a bit of research to do that, as far as I know, as not been done by anyone yet.

As I don't think these can be easily experimented live on the OCA instance (I may be wrong about that), I'd recommend anyone who would like to dive in that to setup a test weblate on their local machine and play with that to come up with a proposal or a plan. I'm happy to help with that too.

Best regards,


On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 10:01 PM Stefano Consolaro <> wrote:
Hi Stéphane,
did you give a look to mine and Sergio replies (i attached them below)?

Last month, as italian community, we had the Odoo Italia Days in Milan. We talked with other people interested in setting up a better way to manage translations, at least for italian language.

We met Simone Orsi, OCA member, that support this idea.

In fact we think that what we are looking for could be useful for all language teams.

If you, or someone else, can invest some time to configure Weblate to activate the requested features, we can test it and give a fast feedback.

Obviously, we welcome all people willing to join the project.

Thanks for your time and help.


Da "Stefano Consolaro"
Data Mon, 23 Jan 2023 08:40:30 +0100
Oggetto Re: [FIX]:Weblate - use po file download/upload - revisions

I give my reply for italian language/community:
> Clearly define the problem we are attempting to solve? For instance, Is it "vandalism" of existing translations (this could be solved by banning offenders)? Or is it incorrect/low quality new translations (which can be fixed easily after the fact, I suppose)? Or something else?
As far I know we don't have problems of a misuse of the tool. What we noticed is that the "need" and the "hurry" to have the translations, or a lack in the definition of a glossary for common terms, or the contributions of a new entry (like in part I am), goes to some incorrect  or not so pertinent translations.
> What would be the process to appoint/elect reviewers? Currently we accept anyone who asks.
Hm, here I don't know what to say, can't be done in the "same way" that PSC are nominated for repository in GitHub?
> How to make sure translation proposals are not stuck for too long waiting for review?
Yes, this is a weakness. I don't know if it can be done and how, but I'd like to have a system in which the reviewed terms can be changed only by reviewers and other terms can be changed (and then loaded) by anyone (view *).
 > Should/can we enable the review process per language? This may be important as not all language communities have the resources to have dedicated reviewers.
Absolutely yes: the lack of resources is a problem and (*) I prefer that a thing is done now than perfect never. So the activation of the review process should be decided by each community.

Thanks for expanding the discussion, I hope others will join.

Da "Sergio Zanchetta"
Data Mon, 23 Jan 2023 10:36:56 -0000
Oggetto Re: [FIX]:Weblate - use po file download/upload - revisions

Il giorno dom 22 gen 2023 alle ore 11:27 Stéphane Bidoul <> ha scritto:
We discussed a translation review mechanism before, I think, but IIRC we concluded we need a process first.

Yes, you are right. :-)

Below, as italian community in addition to Stefano answers, you can find a proposal.

Here are a few questions that come to mind. There might be more.

- Clearly define the problem we are attempting to solve? For instance, Is it "vandalism" of existing translations (this could be solved by banning offenders)? Or is it incorrect/low quality new translations (which can be fixed easily after the fact, I suppose)? Or something else?

The second one. Incorrect/low level translations, not only new, that don't follow current community guidelines and glossaries (language specific).

- What would be the process to appoint/elect reviewers? Currently we accept anyone who asks.
- How to make sure translation proposals are not stuck for too long waiting for review?

I would replicate Transifex structure or similar, if possible. Here is a proposal:
- Anyone can be accepted as translator, strings are pushed as soon as translated. (or on a periodic basis)
- There is a reviewer role, reviewed strings are freezed and can't be changed by translators.
-  The coordinator role has reviewer power and can appoint translators as reviewers.

The coordinator could be nominated by each localization repository PSC. (l10n-*)
He would be in charge of appointing reviewers evaluating the quality of their translations over time, based on guidelines/glossary compliance.

- Should/can we enable the review process per language? This may be important as not all language communities have the resources to have dedicated reviewers.

Sure, I add that not all communities have translation guidelines. [*]

[*] e.g. italian guidelines (and glossaries)

Da "Stéphane Bidoul"
Data Sun, 22 Jan 2023 10:27:40 -0000
Oggetto Re: [FIX]:Weblate - use po file download/upload - revisions

We discussed a translation review mechanism before, I think, but IIRC we concluded we need a process first.

Here are a few questions that come to mind. There might be more.

- Clearly define the problem we are attempting to solve? For instance, Is it "vandalism" of existing translations (this could be solved by banning offenders)? Or is it incorrect/low quality new translations (which can be fixed easily after the fact, I suppose)? Or something else?
- What would be the process to appoint/elect reviewers? Currently we accept anyone who asks.
- How to make sure translation proposals are not stuck for too long waiting for review?
- Should/can we enable the review process per language? This may be important as not all language communities have the resources to have dedicated reviewers.

Best regards,


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Stefano Consolaro
