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Re: Ability to restrict the paging options to users in list views

Akretion France., David BEAL
- 29/08/2016 19:16:53
On my last project I put a default value limit of 30 records (for a new installed modules) in ir.action.window and update in sql all existing actions. (20 could be sufficient)

It's quick dirty because 80 value is still view_list.js and there is a little side effect:
You're on 30, OK.
If you select 200 or upper, it works fine.
But if you select 80 nothing change (80 is in js), it display 30 records, you have to switch to other value before back to 80.

But it's very good for bandwith.

I don't think there a real reason to have different behavior by group because in rare case you can select 200 ou 500 and 30 is ok if you don't want scroll all the time.

my feedback

Bonne journée

David BEAL - Akretion
Odoo Development / Integration

2016-08-26 8:24 GMT+02:00 Wim Audenaert <>:

Hello Jordi,


I agree that it would be a great feature, but I think that it will be quite difficult to achieve as Odoo shows the currently used limit in the url (see screenshot).


<img width="207" height="29" style="width:2.1583in;height:.3in" id="Picture_x0020_1" src="cid:image002.jpg@01D1FF71.FA8EE0B0">


If I remember well, we had a customer where we limited the selection box up to 500 records, but some of the just changed the limit directly in the url.







From: Jordi Ballester Alomar []
Sent: vrijdag 26 augustus 2016 8:08
To: Contributors <>
Subject: Ability to restrict the paging options to users in list views




I'm finding that sometimes letting users select large number of records in a tree view can result in performance issues. I'm refering to the 80, 200, 500, 2000, Unlimited options.


It would be great if there was an option available to restrict the number of records, for a given group "Limited number of records".


So, you could define that by company policy users can only list up to 200 records.

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