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external review tools (was Re: Should we use the new GitHub reactions?)

Camptocamp France SAS, Alexandre Fayolle
- 18/03/2016 09:21:45
I've noticed there are a number of external review systems for the
Github environment which we may want to use. Popular choices include


Quick comparison from reading the sites of both tools (I have not used
any as of now)

Review Ninja

* beta version, sponsored by SAP , legalese contract to sign,
which does not look quite nice, may not be free for OSS projects
* allows to put flags such as [fix] in github review comments which are
displayed in the PR status
* uses "ninja stars" for approvals. It is possible to configure a
minimum number of stars for a PR to become successful, and it seems easy
to check who gave a star to a PR
* github team integration
* notifications can be sent when ninja stars are given
* the doc is available and seems clear

* pay for private project, free for OSS model
* review done in another app
* LGTM button, presumably with reports / notifications
* possible to resolve opinion on individual review comments
* review messages have a workflow: draft / publish
* link to Travis in review tool
* can write rules for review completion
* nice dashboard
* "review me on" button on PR

I'm tempted to set up for a couple of repositories, in
order to evaluate it. The FAQ warns that mixing github review and review is not optimal: "While comments posted in one will
also appear in the other, line comments will turn into top-level
comments due to the systems' irreconcilable approaches to line
numbering. Also, Reviewable expects that all participants are using its
system for tracking unreviewed files and unresolved comments, so if some
people are using GitHub those counters probably won't be right."


What do you think?

Alexandre Fayolle
Chef de Projet
Tel : +33 4 58 48 20 30

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex
