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Comparison of OCA modules bom_stock and stock_available_mrp

Camptocamp France SAS, Cyril Gaudin
- 15/03/2016 10:47:55
Hello community,

First of all a little presentation about myself as it's my first message on this mailing list.
My name is Cyril Gaudin,  I’m a new Odoo developer at Camptocamp in France and I’m glad to be a new OCA contributor.

For my current project, we need a module that computes the quantity of a product that can be manufactured with the components immediately at hand (based on BOM).

After looking in OCA, we found two modules:

Here is my evaluation of these modules:

stock_available_mrp (stock-logistics-warehouse) :
  • Compute BOM quantity and add this quantity to "Available to promise" (from stock_available module)
  • Displayed in list and form views, therefore they may be performances issues with complex BOM.
  • Multiple units on a same components is not managed.
  • Recursive BOM management.
  • No manufacturing delays management.

bom_stock (product-kitting):

  • Compute BOM quantity, which is displayed in Inventory tab on product page (no performance issue)
  • This quantity can be based on real / virtual / immediately available component quantity (can be changed in company settings)
  • Multiple units management
  • No recursive BOM management
  • No manufacturing delays management.

So both modules should be corrected (multiple units management and recursive BOM should work).

We need this feature for an Odoo V9 , which module should we migrate (and revise)?

Thanks in advance!

