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OCA Days 2023 - Registrations, Call for Speakers and Functional Survey

MoaHub, Rebecca Gellatly
- 02/06/2023 04:35:50
Hello OCA Contributors,

The exciting news is that the OCA registrations are now live.

We also have our call for speakers open - we want to hear from everyone! Do you have an awesome tutorial/training, case study, module update etc you want to share with the community? Send your proposals through here.

This year we are really wanting to encourage more functional people to attend and get the most out of this time together. We are creating a functional track to support this alongside our usual great talks.

The OCA Functional Workgroup have created a survey for people interested in the functional side of things and would love to hear from you - please fill in the survey here. Let us know what you are interested in learning about and how we can help you.

We are looking forward to seeing you in November.

Rebecca Gellatly
General Secretary
Odoo Community Association