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Re: Authorized Certification Providers
Hi Maxime,
Are you planning on contributing with connectors for Mexican authorized certification providers? If so, I have modules for that although they may require to be updated because I wrote them for v12.0. It could be a good starting point.
If that sounds good, I'll be glad to schedule a meeting with you.
Adán Cortés
CTO ACME Nearshore Technology Services SAS
Adán Cortés
CTO ACME Nearshore Technology Services SAS
On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 8:47 AM Enric Tobella Alomar <> wrote:
Hi Maxime,I would use edi framework, as most of the work is already there.In Spain we have a similar approach for some kind of invoices and the sending follows the same approach (File signed electronically (XaDes) and sent to an ACP using a SOAP protocol)Right, now, there exists some edi modules that will allow you to send files using rest, SFTP, FTP and other protocols.You only need to manage the creation of the report (it can even be done using a standard odoo repo - regards,From: "Maxime Chambreuil" <>
To: "Contributors" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 14:27:22 -0000
Subject: Authorized Certification Providers
Hello,In Latin America, some business documents (invoices, credit notes, deliveries, payslips) are electronically signed and sent to the government or intermediaries called authorized certification providers (ACP).Those ACP have their own platforms with a specific API and protocol of communication (FTP, REST, etc.).In the past I have made a prototype to connect to an ACP in Chile: contacted Simone regarding hosting these modules in OCA/edi and he suggested opening the discussion on this list.Those modules would allow users:
- to configure their credentials to their PAC
- to send and receive information
- to manage errors
and maybe other related features that I am forgetting.What do you think? OCA/edi? A different repo? A new repo?Thank you and have a great week.
T: +52 (800) 953-2012 #5200
M: +52 (442) 114-9164 | WhatsApp
C: MChambreuil@OpenSourceIntegrators.comAv. Antea 1032, Piso 4 Local 8, Colonia Jurica
Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro, 76100, México
Analizar. Optimizar. Automatizar. Transicionar._______________________________________________
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Authorized Certification Providers
byOpen Source Integrators, Maxime Chambreuil-
Re: Authorized Certification Providers
byOpen Source Integrators, Maxime Chambreuil -
Re: Authorized Certification Providers
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -
Re: Authorized Certification Providers
byOpen Source Integrators, Maxime Chambreuil -
Re: Authorized Certification Providers
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza