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New project proposal: l10n-peru

Vauxoo, Nhomar Hernández
- 12/10/2015 21:37:31
Hello All.

Following the procedure here:

I propose to open a new project called l10n-peru to manage such localization, there is an initiative already working on and everybody is agreed to manage under OCA umbrella all the project.

This initiative is between several community members which have some work done already and they want join efforts.

  • The name of the project, a description and a roadmap
    • Peruvian Localization:
    • Mantain all the localization developments for Peru.
  • The name and github account of the OCA point of contact
    • For now: but it will change one time leaders comes up and understand our actual process (and improve it as usual with local variants.).
  • The name of the team it belongs. See Suggest a new Team if you need to create a new team.
    • l10n-peru. (New) we hae odoo-peru but I think it is not good due to the ownership is not under OCA umbrella, the I propose a new one.
Thanks in advance and hoping for your understanding.


Nhomar Hernandez
CEO Vauxoo.
Twitter: @nhomar
Odoo Gold Partner
Móvil Venezuela:
+58 4144110269
Móvil México:
+52 1 4773933942
