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Reconcile Widget with OWL

DIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar
- 01/11/2022 18:27:07
I have been working this weekend on the new reconcile widget for v16 using OWL. It might be not mandatory yet, but, it is interesting to do this ASAP.
I am trying to do it visually similar to Enterprise (UX), but the approach should be completly different.
However, as we are still in a initial process, it is interesting to do some comments. On 14 and 15, when we reconciled bank statements, we modified a posted move. It was weird, but useful. Should we continue with this approach?
I can show you a small gif of how it is going. Right now, only manual conciliation works (no models, no invoices), but it should be easy :D).
I hope I can open a PR soon (at least, when minimal requirements are fulfilled)
Kind regards,
Enric Tobella Alomar
Av. J. V. Foix 63
08034 Barcelona

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