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Re: Is a new hidden folder '.oca/' in OCA repositories acceptable?

Sicurpharma Srl, Francesco Foresti
- 10/10/2022 15:34:48

I always thought it would be very useful from a Project Management standpoint for each module to have a sort of "diary" (a wiki, a message board or any other suitable solution) with easy read/write access for contributors, where all the relevant info about that module could be collected, eg: 

- general discussions about features
- known issues and troubleshooting
- compatibility with other modules
- possible improvement suggestions
- suggestions for future portings and changes
- relevant changes from one version to another, name changes, necessity for porting to next version, etc

Currently such info are scattered among issues / PR comments / mailing lists / discord and more so it's not very easy to retrieve them (euphemism)

and on the other hand it doesn't look like an issue/RFC is the immediate go-to when wanting to share such info

I think it would help a lot to improve and centralize module documentation, accessibility, understanding of module scope... my 2 cents :)


Il giorno lun 10 ott 2022 alle ore 13:52 Sebastien Alix <> ha scritto:
Hi everyone,

While working on a new feature of 'oca-port' 
(, I would like to store some 
data in the git repository so they are shared between all contributors 
using this tool.

Here it is about blacklisting some migrations (with a comment), so 
another contributor who try to port a module/PR will get warned that it 
has been blacklisted (and why) for a given branch.

This new '.oca' hidden folder could host files for any kind of OCA tools 
in the future, but before going further I would like to know if it's 
something you are comfortable with?

Sébastien Alix
Business Solutions Odoo Developer

Camptocamp France SA

Post to:


Francesco Foresti
Project Manager
Sicurpharma Srl
+39 333 8123 790
