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Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
ACYSOS S.L., Ignacio Ibeas
I'm agree with the Enric reply. For the moment nevative vote.
El 14/7/22 a las 15:07, Enric Tobella
Alomar escribió:
IMO, It is too soon for Pablo being a PSC member. You can check how many PRS he has done on OCA and it is not so much:Most of them are from long time ago and only 6 in l10n-spain.It is allways interesting to have PSCs, but I would prefer to see him more on action before.Kind regards,From: Urtzi Pérez <>
To: "Contributors" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 11:56:57 -0000
Subject: Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
Hi,In my opinion Pablo is a +1 too.I agree with every point Josean has explained, and as the responsible of the spanish localization and member of the board of Aeodoo, I'd like to reinforce Josean's words saying that the projects we are facing this year will result in a large amount of contributions in short periods of time, so we'd need some efficiency in the deepest technical reviews most contributors can't do (mostly because of lack of experience).Pedro, I think the most important concept is to give the Spanish localization the push it needs. I'm sure that working with skilled people like Pablo could help you (and the other actual PSCs) to improve the repository's health.Regards.¿Nos dejas una reseña en Google My Business? Haz Clic AquíUrtzi Pérez
Pol. Ind. Torrelarragoiti Parcela 8A- Pab. 1048170 Zamudio Aviso legal: Este mensaje electrónico está dirigido únicamente a la(s) dirección(es) indicadas anteriormente; el carácter confidencial, personal e intransferible del mismo está protegido legalmente. Cualquier revelación, uso o reenvío no autorizado, completo o en parte, está prohibido. Si ha recibido este mensaje por equivocación, notifíquelo inmediatamente a la persona que lo ha enviado y borre el mensaje original junto con sus ficheros anexos sin leerlo ni grabarlo, total o parcialmenteEl jue, 14 jul 2022 a las 13:07, Pedro M. Baeza (Tecnativa) (<>) escribió:They can contribute the same reviewing and proposing pull requests. The only difference is the right to trigger the merge command. What can't be done is someone that hasn't contributed a lot yet to the localization to have the same merits that someone that has done a lot along the years.This proposal can be reviewed in some time when the number of contributions will be significant.Regards._______________________________________________
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Ignacio Ibeas
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Ignacio Ibeas
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C/ Miguel Astrain 18, 1º Oficina A
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Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byConsultoría Informática Studio 73, S.L., Pablo Fuentes Rodríguez-
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byConsultoría Informática Studio 73, S.L., Pablo Fuentes Rodríguez -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
RE: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon) -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza