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Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
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Urtzi Pérez
Departamento de desarrollo | 946 519 519
Pol. Ind. Torrelarragoiti Parcela 8A- Pab. 10 48170 Zamudio | |||
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They can contribute the same reviewing and proposing pull requests. The only difference is the right to trigger the merge command. What can't be done is someone that only knows a part to be able to potentially introduce something in the repository that breaks the whole things like CI.If you want a specific repositorio for Basque localization, I'll be glad to have it isolated and that you are PSC of them.Regards._______________________________________________
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Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byLandoo SL, Aritz Olea-
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byConsultoría Informática Studio 73, S.L., Pablo Fuentes Rodríguez -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
by "Soporte Acysos" <> - 14/07/2022 17:58:18 - 0 -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar