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Import all European Banks by country (community-data-files)

Moduon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon)
- 21/04/2022 15:47:01

Hello Contributors,


This is something like GEONAMES, so we look for (want to develop) “GEOBANKS” 😃


In Spain, we easily import all Spanish banks from the “Banco de España (Spanish Central Bank)” using the DATA provided for this official institution (it’s quite poor because is an Excel but is something)


How do you import French banks of German Banks or Belgium banks or Italian banks… in order to have all in Odoo?


The objective is for Odoo Multi-country (customers o providers) so the users JUST copy paster IBAN and Odoo detects the Bank and have the SWIFT/BIC to work quickly and fast with SEPA.


If you have the information, we can develop the modules for so clients just install module import Banks and let’s go


Thank you




Rafael Blasco
