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Re: stock: Retroactively removing lots from incompatible products in stock move history
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stock: Retroactively removing lots from incompatible products in stock move history
Coop IT Easy SC agréée, Carmen Bianca Bakker
Hi all, I'm a little bit new to Odoo, so please bear with me if I don't get everything right, but I've been told that I have struck a difficult bug. TL:DR: Having removed the lot_id from certain rows (products that are incompatible with that lot) in stock_move_line and stock_quant, how do I know I haven't broken something? I have a database that was migrated from Odoo 9 to Odoo 12. Before the migration, there was a bug that assigned lots to by-products of a dismantling operation (in this case, empty bottles were assigned the lots of full bottles of wine). As a result, during inventory on Odoo 12, the error message from StockMoveLine._check_lot_product() shows up, correctly identifying that these various lots are incompatible with empty bottles, then aborting the validation. Because these lots were added in error, I want to remove them from all past stock moves. This cannot be done through the UI, so I've made these SQL statements to get it done: ``` update stock_move_line set lot_id = null, lot_name = null where product_id in (67, 38, 29) and lot_id is not null; update stock_quant set lot_id = null where product_id in (67, 38, 29) and lot_id is not null; ``` (the product_ids here are empty bottles) Having run the above on a test/staging database, I can now do the inventory without troubles. I have also verified that the quantities in the inventory have correctly added up (the quantities of bottles that previously had lots are added to the lot-less bottles). The quantities on the `product.product` view have remained the same, which makes sense to me. I have also triggered `_compute_quantities()` for 'product.product', and nothing has changed. Although everything works and my problems seem to have disappeared, the problem is that I do not know whether I have inadvertently corrupted the (test!) database. I've been reading the source code of the stock module to find interactions with lot_id and lot_name, but I've not really found anything troubling. Does my approach make sense? Is there anything I can do to verify the integrity of what I've done? Many thanks and best regards, Carmen Bianca Bakker Coop IT Easy
Re: stock: Retroactively removing lots from incompatible products in stock move history
byMoaHub, Graeme Gellatly -
Re: stock: Retroactively removing lots from incompatible products in stock move history
byMoaHub, Graeme Gellatly -
Re: stock: Retroactively removing lots from incompatible products in stock move history
byCoop IT Easy SC agréée, Carmen Bianca Bakker -
Re: stock: Retroactively removing lots from incompatible products in stock move history
bySunflower IT, Tom Blauwendraat