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Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
Akretion France., Raphaël Reverdy
+1 for all
Le jeu. 29 juil. 2021 à 11:32, Enric Tobella Alomar <> a écrit :
+1!!!!!Enric Tobella AlomarDesarrolloAv. J. V. Foix 6308034 BarcelonaTlf. 932 522 522 (Ext. 1621)From: Lois Rilo Antelo <>
To: "Contributors" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 09:21:44 -0000
Subject: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
Hi,Most of you know Jordi, he has been part of the OCA board several years. As part of the board he had "superpowers" and was able to manage any repository so there was no much need to be included as PSC of many repos (even when he was effectively doing it), now that he is not in the board anymore, he doesn't belong to any PSC group and cannot help with the maintenance. I would like to propose him as PSC of the following areas:- Product- Sales- PurchaseThumbs up for all or some?Thank you!Regards,--Twitter: / | https://www.forgeflow.comLois Rilo AnteloOdoo consultant at ForgeFlow S.L.
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Raphaël Reverdy
Mobile +33 6 38 02 03 93
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Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
byForgeFlow, S.L., Lois Rilo Antelo-
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Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
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Re: Propose Jordi Ballester as PSC in several areas
byAkretion France., Raphaël Reverdy